Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Random Thoughts

My Thoughts:

Today I thought I would just jot down some of my random thoughts regarding the series.

Movie? Game?:

There has been some talk on a FaceBook and Twitter regarding wanting The Grey Wolves Series made into a movie or TV series. This is actually something my daughter, Michelle (who introduced me to the series), and I talked about not that long ago. So it made me think that maybe we were not so crazy after all for thinking that.

How hard would it be to translate into a movie, and do it right? Would it be better as a TV series, you know like Buffy? There is a part of me that would love that, but would be royally pissed off if it only went for a few seasons - I would want it all out there (including the stuff that is unwritten). There would also be more freedom with a TV series to expand on things that cannot be conveyed in a 2 hour movie.

I've also thought that a board and/or video game would be nice. You could do a video game for each book, and the board game could encompass them all, have a little trivia in it.


I'm beginning to notice, little-by-little, a community forming. There are quite a few of us Hunters out there. All of us are anxiously awaiting QL's 5th book, Beyond the Veil. We are on FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr - everywhere I'm seeing reviews on the books, tweets about the books, etc. I am really excited about finding this group and getting to know the others who are in love with these books too.

If you have a twitter account here are a few accounts you should be following:

Quinn Loftis


Jennifer Adams

Other Series:

QL has mentioned she has an outline for another series... I have no idea what direction she plans on going in, but I think it would be nice to see her mix and mingle the worlds. Or, once she is done with the next series, coming back to the Wolves and enriching their world with interactions of other Sub. species... I'm just sayin'

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