Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Romanian Dialog - PoW

Romanian English Translation
Canis lupus Grey wolves
Fane Lupei Crown Wolf
Mulţumesc  Thank you
Noapte bună Good night
Luna Moon
Bună dimineaţa Good morning
Doamnelor Ladies
Scuzaţi-mă Excuse me
Da Yes
Doamnița mea, este o onoare My lady, it is an honor
Este o plăcere să te cunosc! It is a pleasure to meet you
Până data viitoare, fie ca luna să vă ilumineze calea Until next time may the moon light your path
Nebun Crazy
Inima mea My heart
Tată/Tata Father
Cum te simţi How are you
Mamă  Mother
Lupi Wolf
Liniștește-te! Settle
Fiule  Son
Te iubesc I love you
Fiul meu My son
Foculețule Little fire
Colega ta este in pericol Your mate is in danger
Savuroase mea fata My spicy girl
Ai vătămat ce este al meu You harmed what is mine
Ai încălcat regulile provocării You violated challenge rules
Nu te atinge de el Do not touch him
Cu tot respectul,  prințul meu, te rog vino cu mine! With respect, my Prince, please come
Am ceva de făcut pentru tine I have something I need you to do
Unde ești? Where are you?
Îmi pare rău că te-am dezamăgit, tată I am sorry I failed you, father
Tacerea Silence
Inima mea, te rog, nu te îngrijora My heart, please do not worry
Unde-i  Decebel? Where is Decebel?
Vine imediat He will be right in
Nu e incredibilă? Isn't she stunning?
Într-adevăr! Truly she is
Ești jumătatea fiului meu, luminița lui, cu moartea sau viața lui vei fi protejată de haită You are my son's other half, his little light, by his death or life you will be protected by the Pack 
Cum spui tu, Alpha, așa va fi! As you will it, Alpha, it will be done
Nici n-ai idee! You have no idea
Te rog, nu mai plânge, mamă, că mi se rupe inima Please don’t cry mother, it breaks my heart 
Tocmai a batut din picior? Did she just stomp her foot?
Prețioasa mea Precious one
Dragostea mea My love
Te rog, nu plânge! Please don't cry

Note:  Some of the Romanian phrases listed here may be different from what you see in your book. The author, Quinn Loftis, was kind enough to give me some updates to the Romanian phrases that should appear in future updates. 


  1. Very helpful and great website

  2. Thank you, it is definitely a work in progress - but it is keeping me busy while I wait for book 5!
