Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Book 1 - Prince of Wolves - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

We are introduced to our first character, Jacque Pierce. She is 17 years old, and lives in a very small town. Having spent some time as a teenager in a small town, I sympathize with her need for adventure… so much so that she has spent the last hour watching her next-door neighbor’s, house to see what the new foreign exchange student might look like.

The foreign exchange student finally shows up, in a limo no less. He is apparently the best looking guy Jacque has ever seen, but what truly blows her mind is when she hears him, or what she assumes is him, in her mind saying “At last, my Jacquelyn.” While still recovering from this shock she watches him start to enter only to hear him say “Soon.”.

Naturally, she calls her 2 best friends, Jennifer and Sally and the adventure truly begins as she tells them blow-by-blow details of everything that occurred. 

My Thoughts:

 You get a sense that regardless of the direction of the story, these three girls are going to be thick as thieves until the end. The friendship is obviously deep, and the type you want to have when you are having your “crazy” moments.

Favorite Points: 

When Jacque tells the girls she heard someone in her head, hot chocolate became a necessity.  This sets a precedent throughout the books as hot chocolate becomes the beverage of choice during many deep conversations and bonding moments.

Favorite Lines: 

        “When you say gorgeous,” Jen started, “are we talking Brad Pitt boyish good looks, or Johnny Depp make ya want to slap somebody?”
        “No, we’re talking Brad and Johnny need to bow down and recognize,” Jacque answered.
        “No, sweetie. You’ve been gone a long time now, we just didn’t want you to know that we knew,” Sally said with humor.

Things We Learned: 

  • The girls live in a town of 700
  • Jacque was raised by her mom and didn’t know her dad
  • Jacque’s mom isn’t always “in touch with reality”.
  • Jacque lives across the street from the Henrys
  • Jacque is 17 and about to be a senior in high school
  • The foreign exchange student probably comes from money
  • The foreign exchange student has blue eyes that can glow
  • The girls plan to go with Jacque’s mom when she delivers the “southern dinner” in order to meet him
  • Hot chocolate is important in serious discussions

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