Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Friday, July 27, 2012

And so it begins...

I love vampires, have since I was a little girl. I always cheer for them, and I was definitely Team Edward. Now, thanks to a series by Quinn Loftis, I am a Grey Wolves fan! Her Grey Wolves series is one of the most entertaining series I've had the pleasure to read. The dialog is quick and witty. I devoured the 4 books that are currently available in 3 days, and then proceeded to reread the last 2 again, followed by reading the entire series yet again.  To say I'm an addict would be an understatement. So, I've decided that I'm going to break these books down and point out how I feel about them.

So basically, this blog is a place for me to work through my addiction. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited to see this blog, and your thoughts. Already it helps me see my characters from the readers point of view and helps me see where I could explain things better and make things clearer.
