Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Book 1 - Prince of Wolves - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

My Thoughts:

This is such a hard chapter to read. Not because it isn’t good, but because it is so emotionally charged. Things “get real” for Jacque et al. Fane starts to lose control, Jacque learns (with a push from Jen) that her touch can sooth the savage beast in Fane, and we see a fierceness come out of Jacque that we’ve not seen before.

Jacque has no qualms about getting into the Coldspring wolves’ faces and she stands up to them with such strength and fire that you just know it was a sight to behold.

Preparing for her meeting with Lucas, Jacque keeps her style and sense of humor by wearing a Team Edward t-shirt. (I actually have one of these!), and you have to give her props for being bold enough to wear something like that on first meeting this crazed Alpha.

The t-shirt ends up being key to the events that are set in motion. Because Jacque really wants to rub the whole vampire thing in the wolf’s face, she forgets that she has markings to protect. Lifting her hair so Lucas can read the back of her shirt just starts the trouble. The thing is though, without that chain of events we would have missed out on some very key moments for Jacque and Fane – so the outcome was worth the scare.

Fane catching just a glimpse of Lucas losing it, through Jacque’s bond with him, causes his wolf to lose it, at this point all bets are off.

Jacque has no problem letting Lucas know that she has no intentions of ever being his mate, and Lucas, who temporarily lost it, scratches Jacque. Now granted, it wasn’t a bad wound or anything – but it was enough to really put a damper in his plans, as well as really piss off a few people, i.e. Lilly.

I also love how Jen and Sally show up and have Jacque’s back. These girls let nothing, and I mean nothing come between them and their friends without one hell of a fight.

Favorite Lines:

Jacque looked at Jen and then at Sally. She couldn’t believe something so profound had come out of Jen’s mouth.
Sally shrugged. “Who knew?” she said, answering Jacque’s unspoken question.
“You think I’m scared of you?" She asked sarcastically. “I’m your worst nightmare. Just remember, we all gotta sleep sometime. Hope you can sleep with one eye open,” she winked at him and turned to walk back to the house.
“If either of you touches her I will kill you and use your pelt as a rug.”
“Do you think it wise to bare your throat  to the one who would see it torn out?” Jacque asked…
Fane growled again. I have a feeling he’s going to be doing a lot of that being mated to me, she thought to herself.

Things We Learned:

  • Jacque’s touch soothes Fane’s wolf
  • Jennifer has depth
  • Jacque tells Fane she loves him
  • Jacque is not someone you want to piss off
  • Lucas Steele is about 6 feet tall, has brown hair, 1 blue eye and 1 green eye

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