Spoiler Alert

WARNING - I have read the books multiple times. If you have NOT read the books, please note that I give information away in my dialog. I may note in comments from book one information I learned from book four, so if you don't want to know - you may want to come back after you have read the books.

Romanian Dialog - BR

Romanian English Translation
Inima mea My heart
complet, absolut, neclintit, întreg complete, absolute, unmovable, whole 
foculeț little fire
Te iubesc, fiule I love you, son
locul ei este cu mine, cu haita noastră She belongs with me, with our pack
Nu-mi pasă de legea haitei, de legea ta. Ea este partenera mea, sufletul meu și tu îmi ceri să plec de lângă ea I don't care about pack law, about your law. She is my mate, my soul and you ask me to walk away from her 
El cere? Vrei să-mi spui că ți-a spus ție, Alpha celei mai mari haite din lume, ți-a ordonat ca eu să nu stau cu partenera MEA noaptea? He asks? Do you mean he told you, Alpha to the largest pack of Grey wolves in the world, he commanded you, that I could not stay with MY mate at night
Înțeleg că ești nervos, înțeleg că ești rănit, dar încă sunt al tău Alpha, te vei supune mie, Fane I understand you are angry, I understand you are hurting, but I am still your Alpha, you will submit to me, Fane
Mulțumesc, Luna, numai tu îl poți calma Thank you, Luna, only you can calm him
Dragostea mea, te-aș săruta acum My love, I would kiss you now

Note:  Some of the Romanian phrases listed here may be different from what you see in your book. The author, Quinn Loftis, was kind enough to give me some updates to the Romanian phrases that should appear in future updates.

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